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++ Más fotos del Cometa Ison.

Fuente: AstroBob

the Isaac Newton Telescope, Observatorio del Roque de Los Muchachos on a mountaintop in La Palma Saturday Nov. 23 at 6:45 Greenwich Time. Details: Canon 7D, 70mm f/4, 10 seconds at ISO 400. Credit: Alan Fitzsimmons

mountaintop observatory with a 300mm lens by Juan Carlos Casado of Spain on Sunday Nov. 24. He “stacked” or composited four photos to enhance the brightness of the comet against twilight. Click to enlarge.

NASA’s sunwatching spacecraft. This picture was taken on Nov. 23 at 3 a.m. CST by a coronagraph on the STEREO A (Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory) and shows the comet, Mercury and Earth. The sun is hidden off to the right; gases expelled from its corona spread to the left. Click to see more photos. Credit: NASA



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